Healthcare Video Production

Toast has years of experience in medical video production. We create video detail aids, product launch videos and healthcare explainer videos.


Video is becoming an increasingly important medium for the healthcare sector. It can deliver powerful messages to educate and inform patients and healthcare professionals. The use of video allows healthcare services to connect with their patients on a deeper level, fostering trust and understanding. Human stories told with compassion and understanding go a long way in this industry, and video provides the perfect platform for them.


Toast’s twin focus on branded content and TV advertising means we stand out in the world of healthcare video production. We bring our extensive knowledge and production experience in the TV commercials world into healthcare video production.
Messaging in the TV advertising industry is tightly controlled. Adverts only have 30 seconds of screen time to persuade and hopefully entertain an audience. The scrutiny and restrictions of the healthcare world are second nature to Toast.

Still frame from a Healthcare TV advert


Delivering compelling videos is the first job of a production company. We know that videos need an emotional element to resonate with viewers. Creating healthcare and medical educational videos that drive change and compliance is tough. The video content requires a focused message and appealing visual style to inspire the audience.

One of the beauties of video is repurposing video content to suit various needs. Repurposing allows the cost of any video production to be spread over multiple projects or viewing mediums. Toast is skilled at creating videos tailored to particular needs. We can handle the entire production from creative all the way to screen.


We work with you to understand your audience and develop a strategy for delivering your medical video content across multiple channels. We can also advise on how to use video to support other marketing activities, such as medical conferences and events.

If your healthcare project is still at the concepts stage, do get in touch. We can work with you to generate compelling ideas for healthcare video content that will fit your target audience. Video content can take many forms, from training videos to patient information films for healthcare professionals. Whatever the need, we have the experience and expertise to help you create engaging and effective healthcare videos.

One of the most important benefits of medical video is its ability to convey a memorable message to the viewer. Video is also a great way to demonstrate medical procedures for patients’ product films or treatment options. Please get in touch if you would like to learn more about how medical video could benefit your business. We would be happy to discuss your specific requirements and provide a bespoke proposal.


Animation is an excellent medium for delivering medical information for the digital health industry. We have a team of experienced animators who can bring your message to life.

If you would like to learn more about medical animation, please get in touch. We would be happy to discuss your specific requirements and provide a proposal. We have completed many 3D medical animation videos, from MOA videos to animated explainers. All animated medical videos are tailor-made to meet the brief.


Video has become a vital method of providing training in the healthcare sector. A medical training video allows patients to absorb information at their own pace. Having time to digest information can be very helpful in learning about their condition or treatment.

Patients too often have to rely on second-hand information from social media regarding their health. Video explains better than any other medium and doesn’t mind starting from the beginning again and again.

Watching an informative video provides content in a structured and rewatchable way. Patients can take their time to understand what is being said. Patients also feel reassured that they get accurate information from a trusted source.


Explainer videos mean healthcare providers can communicate complex healthcare procedures with ease. By using explainers, patients can feel more comfortable and confident in their care. Short-form video explainers are probably the most suitable medium for delivering medical information.

Explainers can treat healthcare issues in an easy-to-understand and focused manner. By breaking down procedures into manageable sections of animated video, patients can easily follow even the most complex subjects.


If you would like to discuss your project, please get in touch on 0207 437 0506. We can help at any stage of a healthcare video project. We can provide a proposal and budget if you’d like to send over a brief.


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